Our Teachers



Dan's journey into the world of Pilates is similar to many who go on to teach.

Somewhat of a science nerd, Dan became a serial 'Pilates Pest' in 2003, after his swimming partner suggested trying 'this Pilates thing' to aid in his strength and mobility recovery after major spinal surgery. Finding the apparatus weird and struggling with even some of the basic exercises, it challenged him in a way that swimming never could. Dan decided to become a Pilates instructor and has moved through every challenge since without looking back, opening up Pilates with Dan in 2015. Dan has qualifications from PITC (Cert IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method), Breathe Education (Cert IV and Diploma) as well as a Cert IV Training and Education. His first book ‘A Pilates Journey’ is available on Amazon.



A dancer at heart, Tara loves movement — doing it, teaching it, watching it. Not only is it amazing for the body, but it's also nourishing for the soul. Though she truly loves how movement and Pilates make people feel. The feeling of leaving the studio walking taller, feeling centred and a little freer... It makes you feel great — physically and emotionally, which enables you to function better, which makes you healthier and happier, which gives better quality of life! 

Tara began her Pilates journey while studying at The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA). Keen to improve her strength and ballet technique, Pilates soon became an essential element to her already full training schedule. She went on to complete her Diploma of Pilates Method through WAAPA. Tara would love to see Pilates become an important part of all dance training programs, particularly for injury prevention. 



With a focus on collaborating with her students, Michelle will make sure you can reach new heights and go further than you have before.

Basically a local having lived in Canberra for over 20 years, Michelle comes to the Pilates world through the backdoor via dance and her aerialist skills.  Needing a training method that would help give her strength whilst also complimenting her other movements, she was advised to try Pilates. Next minute - Michelle is now a Matwork teacher, having earned her Cert IV in Pilates Matwork from PITC, with a decade of experience! 

With a firm belief that we are all born to move Michelle's classes focus on doing all that you can and maybe spark a little joy, rediscovering how fun life is. 



Originally hailing from the UK, Kate is now a local having settled down in Australia with her family for some time now. Her Pilates history is entwined with her dance background but was rekindled as she found it helped manage her exercise needs during pregnancy and post-partum recovery.

Completing her teacher training for a Cert IV in Reformer and Matwork via Breathe Education in 2022, Kate has found the transition from Pilates student to teacher seamless, thanks in no small part to her years of teaching dance. With her trained eye and skilful direction you’ll find Kate’s classes a unique blend of strength and stretch that are sure to keep you moving and grooving for life!



A science nerd, with a degree in anatomy and physiology, a primary school teacher, and a mum of two little girls, Carly is interested in keeping folk moving through all stages of life. Her classes seek to respect the process of exercise and movement and support you in reaching your goals.

Carly’s journey with Pilates has seen her discover a wide array of approaches and benefits over the years as it adapted to suit her needs, highlighting the versatility of the method. After nearly 20 years of practice she took the plunge and completed her first Pilates Teacher training course recently, with qualifications in Matwork and Reformer, through Pilates People Teacher Training (formally Pilates & Co. Teacher Training).



Aiming to put on a smile on everyone’s face and a chance to become a bit freer in mind and body, Alyce’s classes walk that fine line of challenging yet achievable, hard and fun.

Arriving in Canberra in 2011, Alyce didn’t initially plan on settling down here - a very typical Canberran experience! With 3 boys and a nursing career she knows it can be hard to balance everything. Practicing Pilates for around 10 years and experiencing what it can do to help someone find joy in movement led Alyce to sharing that experience with others, completing her first Pilates Teacher training recently, through Pilates People Teacher Training (formally Pilates & Co. Teacher Training), tackling the comprehensive repertoire of not just Reformer and Mat but Chair, Barrels and Cadillac.



The embodiment of moving with joy, with a side helping of 80’s inspired playlists, Linda’s classes focus on finding the fun, energy and movement hidden inside you.

Practicing Pilates on and off for a while, mixed in with a healthy dash of yoga, Linda felt the pull towards teaching Pilates quite early on in her practice. But the stars didn’t really align and she instead took the opportunity to tackle yoga teacher training instead. But the Pilates bug was always there. Initially qualifying as a Matwork teacher, Linda this year completed her comprehensive repertoire through Pilates People Teacher Training (formally Pilates & Co. Teacher Training).